Are you looking for a drummer for a recording project? Maybe your drummer is sidelined for some reason and you need a last minute fill in.
Give me a call and let's talk about it.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Happy 2025 everyone! Another year is upon us. Man, who would have thought 1984 was 40 f$#king years ago! Mindboggling! The thought that keeps going through my head is that I wish I practiced as then as I do now. Oh well, water under the bridge.
The other, and more important thought, is that I am extremely grateful to all of you that continue to support what I love to do. If you weren't coming out to gigs, I couldn't keep at it. So, a million thank yous to all of you!
Rockland debut gig was great with a high energy show and a great crowd. Looking forward to really get rolling with these guys. Gigs are on the calendar stretching from Ocean County to (get this) Rockland County.
Paradise Rose returns to Halftime in Newark, DE in February. Stay tuned for more from that camp.
PezHead keeps busy as Virgin Vinyl continues with our two annual "reunion" gigs. These are always a blast. This year we'll be back at Woody's and the River Rock.
Rocket Messiah continues to move along with the second record. We'll get it done one of these minutes.
Hope to see you at a gig in the near future! Make sure to say hello.